This program analyzes a Sky index and suggests four types of changes, as illustrated in the example below.

  • consume subheadings suggestions — suggested when an entry has subheadings and fewer total locators than the threshold locators number
  • double post suggestions — suggested when a cross reference target has fewer total locators than the threshold locators number
  • primary reciprocal cross reference suggestion — suggested when a see also cross reference is unreciprocated
  • secondary reciprocal cross reference suggestion — suggested when a chain of two see also cross references (reference of a reference) is unreciprocated

The threshold locators number appears in the main dialog and can be changed. The default number is 7.

It is important to remember that there is NO implied measure of the appropriateness of these suggestions. Users should make informed judgments based on principles of good indexing. This program is intended merely to identify entries that may have been overlooked. For a well-edited index, there can be many suggestions with few or none that are appropriate.

The following addins are available from John Bealle

Cross Reference and Heading Analyzer


apples, 22. See also apricots
apricots, 32
automobiles: BMWs, 44; Chevys, 55; Fords, 66; Hondas, 77
cars. See automobiles
cats: Felix, 88; Fritz, 99; Garfield, 11; Hobbes, 22; Sylvester, 33; Tom, 44
dogs, 55. See also cats
greens: arugula, 66; cress, 77; kale, 88; lettuce, 99
Joe, 11. See also Mary
Mary, 22. See also Joe; Sam
Sam, 33. See also Mary


apricots see also apples: primary reciprocal cross reference suggestion
automobiles: consume subheadings suggestion (entry has subheadings and only 4 locators)
cars see automobiles: double post suggestion (target has fewer than 7 locators)
cats: consume subheadings suggestion (entry has subheadings and only 6 locators)
cats see also dogs: primary reciprocal cross reference suggestion
greens: consume subheadings suggestion (entry has subheadings and only 4 locators)
Joe see also Sam: secondary reciprocal cross reference suggestion (from Sam > Mary > Joe)
Sam see also Joe: secondary reciprocal cross reference suggestion (from Joe > Mary > Sam)


Project Progress Monitor

This program uses Sky record data to measure progress towards a deadline. It reports the number of records created and the number of pages indexed for each day on a project. Additionally, the user-supplied data for the total number of pages and index deadline, the program computes the pace (pages per day) needed to make the deadline.

To create a progress monitor report, run the program and fill in the project specs in the dialog. If you plan to monitor this project again, save the options so they will fill in the form automatically.

Progress Monitor Report Dialog


Term Switch

Changing the wording of a Main heading in Sky is often complicated by two issues: the presence of parenthetical gloss after the term in Main and the presence of cross references from other headings. Term Switch provides simple search and replace functionality that replaces heading text in Main, replaces cross reference text in corresponding cross references, and manages parenthetical gloss in both searched and replaced terms.

Term Switch Dialog

To use the program, type the current and new text in the dialog. Use the "Group" button to group the records that will be changes. Verify that the proper records are displayed, then use the "Replace" button to make the global change.

Important note: the program dialog does not display or recognize formatted text such as italics. Rather, to find or replace formatted text you must type explicit Sky formatting codes. So to replace "Analysis of Ulysses" you must enter the Current text as "Analysis of /i1Ulysses/i0". Users should have an understanding of Sky formatting codes before using the program with formatted text.

The "Recognize Parentheses" setting has different meanings for each stage of operation.

  • For the Group operation, this setting indicates that the program will include in the group records that match with or without trailing parentheses. So the search text "apples" will find "apples (dried)" in Main and also "see apples" in Page. With the setting unchecked, Group will not find "apples (dried)" in Main if the Current text is given as "apples".
  • For the Replace operation, this setting indicates that parenthetical text in the New field will be removed in constructing cross references. So, if the New replacement term is "apples (dried)" the program will replace Main text with "apples (dried)" and will replace cross references in the Page field with "see apples" or "see also apples". With the setting unchecked, Replace will include parenthetical gloss in cross references, e.g., "see apples (dried)" or "see also apples (dried)".
  • "Recognize Parentheses" does not mean that the program will retain existing parentheses in the Main field in a Replace operation. If the existing heading is "apples (dried)" and you replace this with "pears", the resulting entry will be "pears" and not "pears (dried)".

The default Recognize Parentheses setting is "checked" because with that setting the program will function according to the most likely expectations in all circumstances. The main reasons it should be unchecked are (1) to use the search term explicitly so as to include or exclude records with parenthetical gloss and (2) to force Replace to include parenthetical gloss in cross references.


Regular Expressions Power Search

Power Search provides search-and-replace functionality that uses Windows Regular Expressions modules. This program should be used by advanced users only. If you would like further information about this application, please inquire directly at

To learn more about Regular Expressions, there are many books and internet resources available. The particular rules that pertain to this app are those designed for JavaScript.

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